Religion Ethnicity Artificial Intelligence

Experts & text in english about artificial intelligence, ethics and aspects of religion

Asimov, I. 1950. «Runaround». In «I Robot». New York City. Doubleday.

Bostom, N. 2014. Superintelligence: Paths, dangers, strategies. Oxford University Press.

Burdett M. S. 2015 «The Image of God and Human Uniqueness; Challenges from the Biological and Information Sciences», The Expository Times 127(1).

Campbell C., 2019 «How China is using ‘Social Credit Scores’ to reward and punish its citizens», Time.

Capek, K. 2004. R.U.R. (Rossum Universal Robots). London. Penguin Books.

Chaudhary M. Y. 2019 «Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and the Re-enchantment of the World», Zygon 54(2).

Cole-Turner R., 2012 «The Singularity and the Rapture: Transhumanist and Popular Christian Views of the Future», Zygon 47(4).

Crawford, K. 2021. Atlas of AI. Yale University press.,%20Politics,%20and%20the%20Planetary%20Costs%20of%20Artificial%20Intelligence.pdf

Delio I., 2003 «Artificial Intelligence and Christian Salvation: Compatibility or Competition?», New Theology Review, November 2003.

Dieterle, E., Holland, B. and Dede, C., in press. «The Cyclical effects of ethical Decisions involving Big data and digital learning platforms». In «Issues in ethical use of data in education», edited by E. Gummer and E. Mandinach. New York, NY. Teachers College Press.

Eicher, B., L. Polepeddi and A. Goel. 2018. «Jill Watson doesn’t care if you are pregnant: grounding AI ethics in experiments». In proceedings of the First AAAI-ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and society, New Orleans.

Foerst A., 1998 «Cog, a Humanoid Robot, and the Question of the Image of God», Zygon, 33(1).

Geraci R. M., 2007 «Robots and the Sacred in Science and Science Fiction: Theological Implications of Artificial Intelligence», Zygon.

Good old-fashioned AI, перевод – старый добрый ИИ. Haugeland. J. (1985) Artificial Intelligence: The Very Idea, MIT Press, Cam- bridge, MA.

Harari Y. N., 2018, «21 Lessons for the 21st Century», Jonathan Cape, London.

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Herzfeld N., 2002 «In Our Image: Artificial Intelligence and the Human Spirit», Fortress Press, Minneapolis, MN. «Co-creator or co-creator? The problem with artificial intelligence», in U. Görman, W. B. Drees and H. Meisinger (eds.), Creative Creatures: Values and Ethical Issues in Theology, Science and Technology, T&T Clark, London.

Jones. N., 2018 «Can Artificial Intelligence help build better, smarter Climate Models?», Yale.

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Mccarthy. J., M. Minsky, N. Rochester and c. Shannon. 1955. «A proposal for Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence».

Moravec, H. (1988), Mind Children. Harvard University Press.

Norvig. P, Russell. S J (2003) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall.

Palminteri. S., 2018 «10 ways conservation tech shifted into auto in 2018», Mongabay.

Peters T., 2017 «Where There’s Life There’s Intelligence», What is Life? On Earth and Beyond, A Losch (ed.), Cambridge University Press.

Simon, H. 1995. «Artificial intelligence: an empirical science». Artificial intelligence Jornal №77, 95-127.

Suwajanakorn S., Seitz S. M., Kemelmacher-Shlizerman I, 2017 «Synthesizing Obama: Learning Lip Sync from Audio».

Vardi M Y (2012) «Artificial Intelligence: Past and Future», Communications of the ACM.

Vincent, J., 2018 «DeepMind’s AI can detect over 50 eye diseases as accurately as a doctor».

Young W., 2019 «Reverend Robot: Automation and Clergy», Zygon 54(2).